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Kitchen Range

We (and by we I mean Mikey my husband) have been replacing our floors with ceramic tile. It’s a big job of measuring, cutting tile, mixing mortar, and finally grouting.  The first room we started and  completed is our library and it looks fabulous. The current room being tiled is the kitchen. This is more challenging due to the large appliances that have to be moved, tiled, and moved back.  We moved the refrigerator first.  It was quite amusing with the water line taped to the wall all the way across the room. 

Now we are onto the stove.  I didn’t know how much I take the stove for granted.  I was planning out dinner, a new recipe then I remembered, I don’t have a stove. I was getting ready to bake bread.  Oops no stove.  It sits with its back to the room. Mikey went as far as to mix up scrambled eggs before he remembered… no stove.

Mikey keeps on working diligently on the tiles. It is really quite challenging in the kitchen. Freshly laid tile can not be waked on for a couple of days.  He has a sign that says “no estepe” to remind us (me)  which tiles are not ready to be walked on.  It could be described as chaotic. With the stove where the kitchen table goes. The kitchen table in the library were we rarely use it.  Tools, buckets and extra tiles waiting to be used are in various places around the kitchen. The counters are dusted at least twice a day. 

I have learned that almost anything can be cooked in the air frier. Even a frozen pizza, just break it into pieces that fit in the basket and cook on the bake setting. Mikey made fish outside on the grill one evening. But then it got cold and rainy again. 

We are running out of leftovers to warm up. I really need my stove back.

I’m going to need to borrow someones kitchen here soon. I can not make soup. I can not bake cookies.  I am not sure when the oven will be back in its proper place. Friends, anyone?

The floor will be lovely when its complete and worth the dance of the appliances. That I know for sure.

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